

Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting

Lunteren - Netherlands

The 2020 Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting (NAEM) will be held on 11-12 February 2020 in Lunteren, The Netherlands. The NAEM aims to profile Dutch ecological research in an (inter)national context to strengthen the ecological network. More information is here.



Future of Butterflies in Europe

Wageningen - Netherlands

Dutch Butterfly Conservation (De Vlinderstichting) will host its 5th international symposium on Future of Butterflies in Europe, to be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands, 2-4 April 2020. More details are here.



IBS Early Career Conference

Amsterdam - Netherlands

The International Biogeography Society (IBS) is holding an early career biogeographers conference this coming April 17-19, 2020. For more details, see here.


EGU General Assembly 2020

Vienna - Austria

The EGU General Assembly 2020 will be held 4-8 May 2020 as an online event (more details here). Everyone can join for their favourite sessions. The BIOMAC lab will make the following two contributions. On the links you'll find the abstracts and the uploaded presentations.

Seijmonsbergen, H., McMeekin, J., Rentier, E., Polman, E. & Rijsdijk, K.: Refining geodiversity variables for monitoring global mining.

Grootes, M.W., Meijer, C., Koma, Z., Andela, B., Ranguelova, E. & Kissling, W.D.: Unlocking modern nation-scale LiDAR datasets with FOSS – the Laserchicken framework.






World Palm Symposium

Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

The 7th World Palm Symposium (PALMS2020) will be held 10-13 August 2020 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It will bring together palm experts from all over the world. More details are here.


Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting

Netherlands - Conference Centre "De Werelt", Westhofflaan 2, Lunteren

Each year in February, the Netherlands Ecological Research Network (NERN) organises her annual conference, the Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting (NAEM). The NAEM 2022 program can be found here.


EuropaBON mid-term review meeting

Leipzig - Germany

Our EuropaBON project is half-way through and we are gathering for the mid-term review meeting at iDiv in Leipzig, Germany. A lot of work for designing the future EU-wide biodiversity observation network is still ahead!


Kick-off meeting MAMBO project

Aarhus - Denmark

We are starting a new Horizon Europe research and innovation action funded by the European Commission, entitled MAMBO (Modern approaches to the monitoring of biodiversity). MAMBO aims to realise the huge potential of cutting-edge technology for species and habitat monitoring in the EU by advancing and integrating sensor development, deep learning, computer vision, acoustics, ecology, remote sensing, biodiversity monitoring, citizen science, data pipelines and ecological modelling.



Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting

Lunteren - Netherlands

The Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting (NAEM 2022) will be held on Tuesday 20 & Wednesday 21 September in the Conference Centre "De Werelt" in Lunteren, The Netherlands. This conference is particularly geared towards people working in the field of ecology and/or evolution and aims to strengthen the network of ecologists in the Netherlands, Belgium, and surrounding countries.



Conference Digital Twins

@WUR - Wageningen

The Digital Twins @ WUR conference will be held on 13 December 2022 and 14 December 2022. The first day will include a general introduction, presentations and discussions on Digital Twins @WUR. The second day will consist of an in depth exploration of Digital Twins in green life sciences.


AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Chicago - USA

The AGU meetings are dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space sciences. the AGU Fall Meeting 2022 will be held in Chicago and online everywhere from 12 - 16 December 2022. More than 25,000 attendees from more than 100 countries will convene. More details here.



EuropaBON workshop on EBV workflows

online - virtual

This virtual workshop will bring together experts on biodiversity monitoring, data collection, data integration and modelling to discuss the currently existing, newly emerging and potential future workflows for generating Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) and how they can be implemented at the European scale. Please register here.


ARISE day 2023

Leiden - Netherlands

ARISE is building a research infrastructure that knows and recognizes all species in the Netherlands based on DNA and digital technology. The ARISE Day 2023 will be a two-day event with workshops, drinks, keynote speakers, other presentations, and the opportunity to discuss and shape biodiversity knowledge for the 21st century. See more details here.



EGU General Assembly

Vienna - Austria

The EGU General Assembly 2023 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences.


Biodiversity & Ecosystem eScience Conference

Seville - Spain

The Biodiversity & Ecosystem eScience (BEeS) conference is organised by LifeWatch ERIC with a focus on “Threats and challenges to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation from an eScience perspective”. More details here.


NWO Life conference

Egmond aan zee - Ther Netherlands

An annual scientific conference covering all disciplines in the Dutch Life Sciences. Researchers at all scientific research institutes in the Netherlands, in all career phases including master students, are warmly invited to join and contribute to the programme. See conference details here.


14th European Ornithologists' Union Congress

Lund - Sweden

The meeting is open to all ornithologists in Europe, with a wide breadth of talks and plenaries. See details here.


Open Earth Observation workshop 2023

Bolzano - Italy

This conference and workshop will cover Earth Observations and geospatial data —and their derived information— monitoring regional, national and global environmental and climate targets proposed by the ambitious European Green Deal. More information here.


52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Leipzig - Germany

Ecologists from across the world will gather during the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland on 12-16 September 2023 in Leipzig, hosted by the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. See here for details.



Global Conference on Biodiversity and Monitoring

Montreal - Canada

The Global Conference on Biodiversity and Monitoring is organized by GEO BON and its partners between 10-13 October 2023 in Montreal, Canada. The conference will offer a venue for sharing and exchanging scientific and traditional knowledge related to biodiversity change, from genes to ecosystems; the associated contributions to people, across all sectors of society; and its conservation, sustainable use and shared benefits. 


Empowering Biodiversity Research III

Leiden - The Netherlands

The Benelux Biodiversity Informatics community and partners are pleased to invite you to the Empowering Biodiversity Research conference, EBR III, taking place on March 25-26th 2024 in Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands. More details are here.


ARISE day 2024

Leiden - The Netherlands

The ARISE day will provide insights into the development of a research infrastructure for species identification from digital sources and eDNA. See the program here.


EuropaBON's Final Stakeholder Conference

Brussels - Belgium

This final EuropaBON confernce is showcasing the achievements & the wider EuropaBON network. Agenda & registration.